Conscientious service for your unique animal needs

Our Large Animal Services

Beef Cattle

Sick animal diagnosis & treatment

Herd management consultations

Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) Site Visits



Pregnancy Diagnosis


Hoping to add Breeding Soundness Exam Services Spring 2024


Sick horse diagnosis & treatment

Basic lameness diagnosis and treatment

Nutrition and metabolic disease consults

Wellness Exams




Pregnancy Diagnosis


Adding X-ray Capabilities this Summer 2023

Small Ruminants

Sick animal diagnosis and treatment

Herd management consultations

Body condition scoring & FAMACHA


Deworming protocols

Pregnancy Diagnosis


Dairy Cattle

Sick animal diagnosis and treatment

Herd management consultations

Periparturient disease management


Deworming protocols

Pregnancy Diagnosis


Mobile Services

  • We offer mobile on-farm services, which allows for a big picture view of all factors that contribute to animal health and the best customization of care to your unique farm.

  • In order for us to provide these services and the best care for all our clients and their animals, we ask for payment at the time of services rendered.

  • Farm call price varies by distance traveled. Individual pricing may vary by situation. Here is a price list to give you an estimate of the cost of our services.

  • Due to my desire to adequately provide the care my current clients deserve; I am limiting the number of new equine clients at this time. This will also allow me to provide services to cattle and small ruminant clients, who have more limited veterinary care options.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.